Food for Stay Young | Foods for Anti-Aging

What you eat can have a dramatic effect on your skin. Find out from #StayYoung what foods have #nutrients your #skin needs.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Healthy Food Recipes Continue to Enchant The Foodies

One of the better healthy food recipes include the one which comprise of the balance diet in an exemplary manner. A mix of the sprouts along with the capsicum salad might be wonderful since it is tasty to the palettes and quite good for the health. The radish is put into the eclectic mix and green onion can be used to spice up the flavor. Essential olive oil and the lime juice are deployed to prepare the salad which could be served to the...

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

How to Maintain Young And Healthy Looking Skin

Everybody wants skin that continues to be youthful provided possible. As a result, you can encounter suggestions for anti-aging throughout the Internet, in many books and in several magazines. Whilst a few of these can be helpful, you should also put your judgment to make use of, notably if somebody is trying to sell you something. What follows is a few matter-of-fact and helpful anti-aging advice that you can now apply for keeping their skin young...

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Healthy Recipes for Lovers

When you're trying to shed those persistent kilos that are still lingering as a result of the infamous, indulgent Christmas binge, most people will tell you to stick to healthy recipes that are completely meat-free. Luckily, this is not always the case - especially when you follow these easy recipes that are ideal for all self-confessed carnivores. ...

Monday, 25 April 2016

How To Stay Young And Look Your Best

Getting up every day and facing the mirror could be a task, if you are in your thirties or forties. It is now time when the dark spots, skin discolorations, and hyperpigmentation start to show. Some of us may also start witnessing a receding of our hairline. These along with other signs of aging start manifesting in our bodies and minds. What's the way out? Actually, from using the best available anti wrinkle creams to following a sedentary lifestyle,...

Friday, 22 April 2016

Get Rid Of Back Pain With These Three Exercises

Maybe you have felt such dull, sharp and piercing pain within the back that when it is there, it is just like you want to lay down on bed and sleep?If YES, have you ever thought of how to Get Rid Of Back Pain?Whenever your back is burdened, as with it always carries super heavy things or it's overworked, your back muscles, joints, bones and nerves may take a hit as well.Back pain is a powerful ailment, not because it needs prompt medical intervention,...

Thursday, 21 April 2016

5 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinus Infection

One of the leading sign or symptom of sinus is the headache. For those who have frequent headache then sinus may be one of the reason for it. Since in sinus infection, the bone of nose increases in width it does not allow the air to feed easily. This reduces the blood circulation hence these blood cells do not move quickly and sometimes forms a clot that do not allow the required blood to enter the brain which weakens the brain and thus one...

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Can Exercise Keep You Young

A lot of products today promise to battle aging and maintain youthfulness. True, lots of people worry about getting old. Both women and men dread old age and the weaknesses it brings with it. From beauty potions to vitamin supplements, store shelves are filled to the brim with anti aging products. Why is this so, it is lucrative business. People have been eternally trying to find the mythical fountain of youth. There is, however, something...